Woman with algae mask on face

What Is Fucoidan and Why Do You Need It in Your Skin Care Regimen?

With all the popular skincare ingredients that trend these days, you are likely familiar with most of them. But have you heard of Fucoidan? In this post, Evelyen, your trusted Australian skincare, shares everything you need to know about Fucoidan and what makes it great for skincare: What Is Fucoidan? Fucoidan is a polysaccharide (or carbohydrate) that is extracted from …

Young women putting cream on face

Clear and Glassy: The Importance of Collagen for Your Skin

Your collagen and elastin are essential in maintaining the structure of your skin. It keeps them smooth and pliable. As your collagen and elastin break down in the skin, the results are fine lines and wrinkles. Furthermore, as these fibres degrade, your skin’s strength and elasticity deteriorate.  This happens to people who are exposed to UV rays from the sun. …

woman looking at her skin

4 Stress-Related Skin Problems and How to Battle Them

Stress can be experienced physically, mentally, and emotionally. Often, when people talk about stress, they mean the mental and emotional kind. Mental and emotional stress is related to the feeling of being overwhelmed. It can also be described as the feeling of being unable to cope with pressure. Regardless of the definition, everyone feels stressed. While chronic stress can cause …

Collagen Supplements

How Collagen Supplements Can Benefit Your Well-Being

As a vital protein in the body, collagen is the most important component of connective tissues, which makes up tendons, ligaments, skin, muscles, and other body parts. Scientific studies have introduced collagen supplements through the years, and they’re getting increasingly popular. Mostly, they’re hydrolyzed, which means they’re broken down to make it easier for your skin to absorb. You can …

woman's skin

The Real Deal on Ageing: How It Affects Your Skin

Perhaps you’ve already heard the saying that the only thing that’s constant in life is change, and that’s true. We really change every day, all thanks to aging. As we age, we enter different unique phases in our lives, and even our skin will go through its own bumps and turns as well.  Unfortunately, our skin is at the mercy …

woman doing skincare

5 Reasons Why You Should Start a Skincare Routine Today

Your skin is the largest organ in your body. It works hard every day to regulate your temperature, eliminate toxins, and protect your internal organs from bacteria, infection, injuries, and more. If your skin is doing all of those things for you, what are you doing for your skin in return? If you are someone who never really gave your …

drinking water

6 Skincare Secrets to Help You Get Clear, Gorgeous Skin

Everyone wants to achieve clear, radiant, scar- and acne-free skin. While some are blessed with the genetic lottery and effortlessly sport gorgeous skin, others have a hard time fighting off pimples one at a time. The journey to getting the skin you want can be tricky and filled with obstacles, but the result will always be worth it when you …

Woman with hands near face lifting fine lines

What Makes Your Skin Age Faster?

We tend to associate a lot of value with the quality of our skin. Though the narrative is slowly changing, there is still an enormous amount of one’s esteem depending on how one looks. One of the major concerning factors is premature aging. Wrinkles, lines, and pigmentation are enough to give one nightmare. While there is not much that can …

Woman worried about her face due to dry skin

Dehydrated or Dry Skin – How to Fix it?

When we talk about skincare, the terms “dry” and “dehydrated” are often used synonymously, while in reality, these are two very different things. To boost your skin health and elevate your skincare regimen, it is important to know how to fix dehydrated or dry skin. So, let us understand what the two terms mean and some skin tips to alleviate …

Grape Seeds and Grape Seed Oil

Benefits Of Grape Seed Extract For Skin And Overall Health

Advancements in science and technology have always opened up newer ways of gaining knowledge about the objects that surround us. This is often followed by trial and error techniques. One such example is grapes. With scientific research, we have come to know that the parts of fruits that were previously considered as waste, such as the skin or seeds, can …